Monday, March 2, 2020

O Brave New World

O Brave New World
European Imperialism

Please complete questions by Wednesday March 4 for your progress interviews.

Objective: What does the European treatment of people they came into contact with reveal about their worldview?

1.) Define the following terms:

a.) Imperialism:

b.) Immunity:

2.) Look at the picture on page 130.  Why do you think the artist included native people
(that Columbus had kidnapped from the Americas and Africa) in the painting to celebrate
Columbus’s return to Spain?

3.) How did King Phillip II view Sir Francis Drake?  How did Queen Elizabeth I view Drake?
How would you describe him - pirate or hero, and why?

4.) What attitude did Europeans have toward indigenous people they found in the new
territories that partly resulted in imperialism?

5.) Why did Spain and Portugal turn to the Pope to help solve their agreement? 
Why did they keep it secret from the rest of Europe?

6.) What was England and France’s response to this secret Treaty of Tordesilles?  Pg. 132

7.) Spain became the richest country in Europe for many years. 
How did Britain react to this wealth? What technology did the British create to take riches
from the Spanish ships?

The evolution of KelbaHum

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