Thursday, February 27, 2020

Gender Bias--SDG Goal #5 Writing Assignment


bias [ bahy-uhs ] (noun) prejudice for or against a person, group of people, or idea
competence [ kom-pi-tuhns ] (noun) the ability to do a job well
perpetuate [ per-pech-oo-yet ] (verb) to keep something going
stereotype [ ster-ee-uh-tahyp ] (noun) a widely held unfair view about a group of people with similar characteristics

Please answer the questions below referring to the pictures posted:

Questions 1-10 Due in class Monday March 2

1. Do you think the woman is a construction worker? Why or why not?
2. What features in the photograph emphasize the woman’s competence?
3. What features in the photograph emphasize the woman’s beauty?
4. What is missing from the photo that you might expect to see?
5. Overall, what do you think of the woman in the photo? Why?

6. Do you think the woman is a construction worker? Why or why not?
7. What features in the photograph emphasize the woman’s competence?
8. What features in the photograph emphasize the woman’s beauty?
9. What is missing from the photo that you might expect to see?
10. Overall, what do you think of the woman in the photo? Why?

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